Business Development Associate at Lalamove Indonesia
Executive Master of Business Administration at Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
9 AM
It’s Friday which means I’ve got a lot of fun things to do at work. For me, Friday is a special day, because we have lunch together called “Happy Friday”, and also after office hours, I can’t wait to play badminton with my colleague here.
10 AM
Working in Business Development sharpens my skills in time management. Because we need to work hybridly by looking for new leads, attending calls /cold-calling, sending email or proposals, and attending online or offline meetings.
11 AM
Since restrictions are lower in Indonesia, I decided to visit our merchant onsite by bringing a gift to appreciate and maintain a relationship with them. I’m happy to become a Business Development Associate as I enjoy speaking with others to impact strategic growth and have the ability to provide a win-win solution for both parties, not to mention knowing more about how the business works.
12 PM
Lunch is coming. This is my favourite part of Friday, having lunch together with the team, talking about a lot of things. I got so many updates from my friends, it also supports me as Business Development to update about what’s happening in the marketplace.
1 PM
Back to my desks to continue my task, start calling or attending online meetings with our potential clients and discuss things about business. Make sure that I, as Business Development, can fulfill client needs with our services.
2 PM
It’s brainstorming time with the team. We discuss a lot about our priorities and the obstacles we are facing. Consulting with the team helps me get a comprehensive perspective when handling one project and reminds me to focus on our goals.
3 PM
Back to my desk, I started to create a deck for my potential clients. Love crafting the message and tailoring it with the client’s industry. It opens my horizon about a lot of industry types in the business world.
4 PM
Attend the meeting with the team. We discuss plans for the upcoming weeks and evaluate together what we’ve done this week. It makes me more straightforward when doing something because we have a clear goal to achieve.
5 PM
Start to wrap up my task in a day, do some follow-ups with the teams regarding the plan, and give feedback.
9 PM
It’s time to get sweaty. After office hours, every Friday, I and all the team play a badminton game. Playing badminton is essential for my health and helps me engage with other teams from other departments. Happy to spend my day in Lalamove.