My job is to make storyboards for animation series and it is really enjoyable. It isn't as simple as it looks. There are so many procedures involved, from script breakdown, blocking plan, shot designs, etc. And every single one of the procedures is fun since there are so many creative process with brilliant people involved. Working here is really a great experience.
Graduate, Jakarta - 25 Nov 2021
I am very grateful and happy to work at Zenius. I am truly satisfied that we as employees are being encouraged to keep learning and developing ourselves. I shall continue to enrich my knowledge and contribute more and more.
Graduate, Tangerang Selatan (WFH) and Jakarta (WFO) - 24 Nov 2021
I'm on zenpractice stream, my daily job is to make questions for zenpractice needs. The challenge is to learn new things about the problems created by using the problem generator. The challenge is the workload is quite dense and many changes in a short time
Graduate, Jakarta Selatan - 19 Nov 2021
Maintaining organizatinal database -Preparing administrative arrangements for Zenius working tools and other activities -Maintaining records of all logistics related documents -Interfacing with internal employees regarding workplace experience and administrative support functions
Graduate, Jakarta - 18 Nov 2021
I am responsible for creating teaching content and tryouts.
Graduate, Jakarta - 18 Nov 2021
As a part of content maker, I make contents that will be displayed on Zenius app and seen by users. The contents consist of flashcards, summary, quiz. I also take part in making story board for premium video, and giving review for premium video produced by animator. The best part of my responsibility is I have to finish internal development/subject development (while other employees are doing different type of development, since I was new employee).
Graduate, Jakarta - 18 Nov 2021
I'm scriptwriter. I write scripts for original series about how to implement elementary's learning materials into as problem solvers in daily life's occasions. I also develope in ideation of IP for the original series. Then I translate the scripts to English. Also, I review storyboards and videos so those still in accordance with the scripts I wrote.
Graduate, Jakarta - 18 Nov 2021
Bikin soal, live, video content
Graduate, Jakarta - 18 Nov 2021
I make storyboards for animation serials
Graduate, Jakarta - 18 Nov 2021